From our experience, our family launched Our Black Rose, a nonprofit initiative focused on postvention services for suicide loss survivors. We wanted a way to recognize the unique grief of suicide loss survivors while honoring how their lost one lived, not how they died.

Our Focus

Our Black Rose focuses on families and/or friends who have recently lost a loved one to suicide and provides a free care package. Since October 2021, over 200 care packages have been distributed to our partners and suicide loss survivors navigating a suicide loss.

Who We Work With

  • Suicide Loss Survivors

    and friends/families of suicide loss survivors may contact us to request free care packages to help navigate the unique grief of a suicide loss.

  • Funeral Homes and First Responders

    Funeral home staff and first responders are people who interact with a family immediately following the tragedy of a suicide. Assisting families with navigating a loved one’s death by suicide can begin with these partners.

Make a Donation

Join us in offering a helping hand to families affected by suicide, where your donation can be a beacon of hope and support in their journey of healing.