Loss, grace and eternal love.

Our family suffered a major loss in June 2020- our brother and son, Pat Butler died by suicide. Pat is immensely missed and our family's experience as suicide loss survivors propels this project forward in memory and honor of him and his character.

The grief process for suicide loss survivors is intense with emotion as the questions of “Why?” and “How could I have missed this?” loom large and heavy. In addition, in the immediate aftermath of a suicide there are many factors’ families must address which are not easily discussed or shared (clean-up services specifically needed in a firearm death), legal issues (unpaid debt, house, no will, etc.), insurance of the loved one, and probing questions from authorities and first responders. The scene of a suicide is often cold and families/loved ones are often left in shock and experiencing extreme trauma.

Dennis Butler, Lori Butler and Kelleigh Boland

Suicide: A Public Health Issue

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for individuals ages 10-34 in Pennsylvania and the 4th leading cause of death for individuals ages 35-54. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, over six times as many people died by suicide in 2019 than in alcohol related motor vehicle accidents. It is also estimated that 90% of those who die by suicide have a mental health condition. The rate of suicide is highest for middle-aged white men and over half of all suicide deaths involved a firearm. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released provisional estimates for suicide deaths in the United States showing an increase of 2.6% in 2022. We know suicide is a complex issue and does not happen for a single reason and is tied closely to mental health.


leading cause of death for individuals ages 10-34.


leading cause of death for individuals ages 35-54.


more than alcohol related motor vehicle accidents.


have a mental health condition.

Suicide is a public health issue which affects a larger number of people. Research firmly establishes that family members of individuals who die by suicide have a greater risk of dying by suicide themselves. However, postvention services or activities that help reduce risk and promote health and healing, are difficult to find for suicide loss survivors.

Our Black Rose

The black rose is a symbol of life and beauty even in darkness. We chose this as the logo for Our Black Rose and made sure to incorporate the colors teal and purple which represent suicide prevention. Our family continues this unwanted grief journey with the recognition that while we will never be who we were or recover from this tragic loss, we want others to know they are not alone. We understand that our family’s experience is only one of many stories and there are many other suicide loss survivors with unique experiences. We hold the philosophy that many suicide loss survivors want their loved one to be remembered for the life they lived, not the way they died. We strive to honor loss, grace, and eternal love.

Make a Donation

Join us in offering a helping hand to families affected by suicide, where your donation can be a beacon of hope and support in their journey of healing.